2022 SHARE Executive Board & Representatives

Voting in the 2022 SHARE elections is now closed. The only contested election this year was in University and Technical Region C, where Kelly Fournier won the vote and will join the SHARE Executive Board to represent the region. Gary Beauchemin, who was also nominated for that position, will serve this year as a SHARE Representative instead. Nominees from all other areas who accepted their nominations were not contested, so they automatically fill those positions. The full list of Officers, Executive Board members, and SHARE Representatives is listed below.

Thank you to all of our nominees this year for being engaged in the process, to the members who nominated your peers, and to those who voted. This democratic process is important for the strength of our union. Congratulations to all of the newly-elected leaders: we’re excited for the important role you perform in our community. And a particular welcome to our newest SHARE leaders!

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