Contract Voting Ends Today: Vote Locations & Vote Count Details

Final Day to Vote on the Tentative Agreement

Voting on SHARE’s Tentative Contract Agreement with UMass Memorial Hospital concludes today with voting at Hahnemann, the ACC building, and Memorial. Voting at these locations is open to all SHARE members. (Voting will also be held at 1 West Boylston will also be held for members there.) For detailed time and location information, please visit the Contract Ratification Calendar.

If you haven’t yet voted, we encourage you to do so. The SHARE Negotiating Team recommends that members vote YES! The current vote requires in-person voting. For more details about the Tentative Agreement, including how to calculate your raise, and answers to Frequently Asked Questions, please visit this section of the SHARE website dedicated to the 2022 Contract Vote.

Only SHARE members can vote. If you haven’t yet signed up, you can still join here or at the polls.

How to Watch the Vote Count

All ballots will be brought together for the final count at the Memorial 1 Conference Room. Counting will begin at 5pm. All SHARE members are invited to observe the vote count. The vote count will also be broadcast via Zoom. Link to the Vote Count Broadcast here.

What Happens After the Vote Count?

Results will be posted to the SHARE blog.

If more than half of SHARE members vote in favor of the tentative agreement, the new contract and raises will go into effect.

Although the Payroll department typically prepares to deliver raises as quickly as possible after we ratify a contract, it’s still likely to take a few weeks, and there would be some Retro.

If a majority of voters vote to reject the Tentative Agreement, then both negotiating teams would go back to the negotiating table and try again.

We wouldn’t exactly start from scratch – we've already spent a lot of time and energy understanding each other’s interests and positions – but the agreements we’ve made would be nullified. No raises would happen until another tentative agreement was reached and ratified by members.

SHARE’s previous tentative agreements with the hospital have always been ratified, so we would be developing entirely new strategies, working to understand members’ interests more deeply, and determining new ways to compel management to come to a more satisfying agreement.

Thank You

Thank you to the many SHARE members who have already cast your ballots. We know that many of you have already dedicated your time and even traveled to a SHARE site to make your voice heard.

The SHARE Negotiating Team does encourage you to vote “yes.” But it’s also still true that, more than anything, we simply urge you to vote. It’s OK if we don’t all agree. Voting sends a clear message to management that members are participating and care about the outcome. Every vote matters.