SHARE Hosts COVID Vaccine Q&A with Dr. Kimi Kobayashi

Thursday, October 7th, Noon- 1:00 pm


Tuesday, October 14th, 4:30-5:30 pm

Dr. Kimi Kobayashi, Physician & UMass Memorial Chief Quality Officer

Dr. Kimi Kobayashi, Physician & UMass Memorial Chief Quality Officer

SHARE members are invited to virtual question & answer sessions with Dr. Kimi Kobayashi. He will be joining us to discuss the COVID vaccine. Dr. Kobayashi, a physician who specializes in internal medicine and drug safety, will answer questions from SHARE members about their concerns. This discussion will focus on the science of the vaccine, and of the disease itself.

You can join either session by clicking the red button above, or by using the Zoom login information at the end of this post.

get answers to your questions

If you have questions you would like Dr. Kobayashi to answer, please send them to SHARE in advance by email. We will provide them to him ahead of time so he can be prepared to answer. There may also be time during the sessions to take additional questions.

At these sessions, we won’t be talking about the process, or what happens if a SHARE member declines to get the COVID vaccine. These COVID Vaccine Info Meetings are to give SHARE members the opportunity to ask their medical and safety questions, and to hear the hospital’s response.

About the Vaccine Mandate

The SHARE leadership continues to negotiate with the hospital about the impact of its mandate on members. We expect the forthcoming Federal guidelines will override some of the ideas the hospital and the union have discussed, but our union maintains that an employee should not lose their livelihood as a result of their vaccination status, and that all SHARE members should be safe from COVID when they come to work.

Full Zoom Info

Meeting ID: 871 3916 4533

Passcode: 965914

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