Back-to-School and Child Care: What Kind of Help Do SHARE Members Need?

SHARE is participating in the hospital’s child care task force, which is trying to figure out how to help UMass Memorial working families who are dealing with remote or hybrid school this fall. The task force needs to know what you need.

1. If you need child care support this fall, please fill out this short hospital survey

The survey focuses on what kind of child care you would need this fall so that you can work. The deadline is 5pm on August 28nd (Friday), so do it now!

2. If you have other ideas about what you need to support you and your family with school (like working from home, flexible hours, etc), please send them to:

Or contact your SHARE Organizer or Rep.

Ideas for How UMass Memorial Could

Support SHARE Members with Schooling this Fall

  • UMass Memorial should focus on solutions to help for lower-income families especially.

  • Different people may need different kinds of help. There’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution.

  • Having a say and working things out together as a department are key.

Flexibility: The more we can empower departments to offer flexibility, the more likely they are to find solutions that work for individuals and the department. For example, a SHARE employee might want to go part-time to support their children doing remote learning, and departments should be encouraged to figure out if that can work (without dumping more work on other SHARE members).

Expand Work from Home: Working from home is working in many departments at UMass Memorial. We should encourage departments to allow work from home, and figure out where we need new technology to make that possible.

Help Getting Childcare: UMass Memorial should look at helping SHARE members afford additional child care they need because of remote or hybrid schooling this fall. We should also look at how to help connect employees with other resources they need