SHARE'D Stories: A SHARE Member Gallery

introducing share’d stories

During the pandemic, it’s sometimes been hard to imagine how to move forward. However, SHARE members have worked straight on through, with diligence, teamwork, and compassion. We’ve been highlighting that work on the SHARE blog. Now we’re happy to announce that we’re collecting up those experience in a new online gallery, “SHARE’D Stories.”


SHARE your story

The gallery is growing, and we want to include you. Our stories connect us, and they make our union strong. You can share yours by starting with the link below:

We’re glad to see a recent increase in awareness in the popular media about expertise of healthcare workers and the challenges of working on the front line. Those reports are great, but they often overlook the various roles that people perform in hospitals. Over 2800 SHARE members fill 170 different job titles, and each of us has experiences to tell about. We hope you’ll enjoy, be moved by, learn from, and share these stories.

please note: The SHARE office phone has not been working properly this week. We think it’s fixed now. But, if you are unable to leave a message, contact the SHARE organizing staff via, or contact an organizer directly. Thank you for understanding.