SHARE Encourages You to Complete the Annual Caregiver Survey

3/18/2020 Update: As our system goes through the process of creating capacity for a surge of patients by cancelling unnecessary appointments and procedures due to COVID-!9, some of you may find yourselves with a few spare minutes.  We urge you to spend five minutes in the next few days taking the Caregiver Engagement Survey that Press Ganey is administering on behalf of UMass Memorial.  It is short, easy, completely confidential.

When all of the present challenges are past us we will be glad to have good data compiled from many (most?) SHARE members’ experience.  You can find the link in your email, along with a unique password – this password is not so the hospital can link your responses back to you, but so that Press Ganey can ensure that everyone just takes the survey once, and that their responses are assigned to the right department. 


Bart Metzger, UMass Memorial Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

Bart Metzger, UMass Memorial Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

On March 11, UMass Memorial will launch the new Annual Caregiver Survey. Why should you care about this?

You may have recently seen, in the Everyday Innovators blog, the response given by guest blogger Bart Metzger. The short version of his answer?

  1. We want you to be happy at UMass Memorial. The quality of your work life is important to us.

  2. Your voice matters. Without your feedback, we can’t improve. And continuous improvement is part of our culture.

  3. Caregiver experience = patient experience. If you aren’t satisfied with your work, how can we expect you to take good care of our patients?

Why Does SHARE Care About the Survey?

We’d add that SHARE wants you to take this survey. SHARE leaders will receive the results, and intends to work with hospital leadership to understand what they say about SHARE members' experiences at work. We will compare the results to those of our own recent surveys, and involve members to make sense of the data.

SHARE uses the results to line up improvements that will benefit members in their workplace. For example, recent “pulse” surveys show consistent improvement across those areas with Unit Based Teams; we’re looking to expand and deepen those kinds of efforts, and continue to help you develop a workplace you’re proud of.

Using the Results in Your Own Department

The more SHARE members fill out the survey, the more useful the results will be. This round of surveys will show how SHARE members’ experiences are trending over time. Your manager should share results, working with your team to figure out what aspects of your experience that you’d most like to improve, and how you will do it. If you have concerns in your work area about the way that this is discussed—or is not discussed—please let your SHARE organizer know.

The Survey Is Confidential

The survey process is conducted by an outside agency, Press Ganey. You will soon receive an email from them with a link to the survey. The survey is confidential, and is designed and administered in ways that ensure participants remain anonymous. In the past, SHARE has heard worries from members about survey confidentiality, but SHARE members have not reported problems with any of the surveys administered over the years by Press Ganey.

It’s Quick, and You Can Take It at Work

The survey shouldn't take much more than ten minutes, and you are encouraged to do it on work time. There’s a Spanish version this year, too.

UMass Memorial Works Because You Do

After it launches, the survey will be live through March 25. Thank you for participating, and helping to create a more complete and accurate overview about the experience of employees at UMass Memorial.