Kona Enders, SHARE's First Frontline Leader Fellow

This month we welcomed our first SHARE Frontline Leader Fellow, Kona Enders. Kona has worked as a PCA on 3 West at the University campus for seventeen years, where she has long been recognized as a strong advocate for her patients and coworkers. She’s served as a union Rep for most of that time, and recently joined the Labor Management Partnership Council. Here, Kona writes about her recent time observing and participating in the day-to-day work of our union . . .

My Fellowship Report

by Kona Enders

Thank you all so much for giving me the opportunity to participate in this Fellowship with the SHARE Union. When I was asked to do the Fellowship some time last year, I was a little bit hesitant, nervous, and didn’t know what to expect. But after encouragements from management and SHARE (especially staff organizers Will, Deb and Janet), I decided to accept the Fellowship. Because of COVID-19, my first concern was how and where I was going to do the Fellowship . . . and with whom. The SHARE Staff assured me that they will guide me through the process and not to be nervous. Glad they did, because I was very nervous coming on board.

Kona Enders with SHARE staff organizer Will Erickson

Kona Enders with SHARE staff organizer Will Erickson

What was really enlightening about the Fellowship was been invited to all of these very important collaborations between HR Business Partners, management and SHARE. They are all working together to make sure SHARE employees have a say in decision-making about their jobs and families during these changing times. Mostly importantly, all of the organizations have been working together to find jobs for people who had to change their hours, or even move to completely different jobs in order to manage family and school schedules, too, during these changing times. I also got an inside look at how SHARE worked toward a better solution for everyone to be approached about the flu shots with a fair process.

I have gained valuable insight into how the organization runs and functions over the past two months. Because you gave me the opportunity to listen-in and speak in some of the Zoom meetings, I had the chance to observe numerous aspects of how the Union works in our communities, hospitals, management . . . how to problem solve with our members and most certainly always been there to support and care for everyone especially during this difficult times. The entire staff at SHARE was extremely welcoming and helpful to me at all times.

I had the opportunity to attend UBT’s which I really like because the managers and staff are working together to make work flows better in their departments at both campuses with the guidance of SHARE.

I’m especially excited about my A3 project that I’m working on with Will [Erickson, SHARE Organizer and Process Improvement coach]. He and I are working to help us be safe on the floor and keep our patients safe by having all the necessary supplies and equipment in every room to better care for each patient.

I learned a lot during my Fellowship with SHARE. We covered the following things and more:

1. Going to Zoom meetings

2. Labor Management meetings with UMass Memorial and Marlboro Hospitals

a. Working on PCA’S staffing at Marlboro hospital

b. Finding release times and funds for share members to go for training

c. Advocating for child care

d. Working with HR Business Partners and Managers to get flexible schedule and hours for members because of COVID and School

3. Medical Center briefings with SHARE - finding a fair process with flu shots for all employees

a. Addressing issues with the process of mandating staff on a short notice at CCU

4. Care Giver Survey results from floors

a. What does the result mean?

b. What’s next for the organization?

5. Phone Organizing with new members

a. Phoning new members to sign membership cards

b. Phoning old members about the Engagement Survey results

6. Educating new employees about their pension program

7. Organizing and attending UBT meetings

a. Mangers and members working together to make work flow in their various departments

b. Everyone needs to be heard

8. Lakeside Learning events once a week in person with Janet, AJ and Jameal (training sessions with new members of the SHARE organizing staff to talk about values, skills, and labor history)

a. The process of organizing a Union

b. The process of problem solving for members in our Union

c. Encouraging our members to have a say at work

d. Dealing with criticism as a Union

e. The Basics of De-Escalation.

9. Re-imagining the Idea System/Idea Huddle

10. Surveying PCA’s and One-to-Ones to prepare for the second surge

11. Working towards organizing the PCA committee at the University Campus with Management and HR Business Partners.

12. Working on A3 form with Will

a. Finding the root cause of the problem, missing essential equipment and supplies needed in every room on the floor

b. Finding a solution to the problem by including a list on the assignment sheets for all shifts

13. Share working on the process of clarifying Short Term Disability for Open Enrollment

14. “Fireside Chats” with members

I might not have absorbed everything during the past two months, but I had a wonderful experience. Special thanks to UMass Memorial Administrators, my Nursing Manager, and to SHARE for the privilege and words of encouragement and guidance throughout this training. Thanks again for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Thanks to all for your help!

K. Enders

Kona Enders, PCA 3 West (11/09/20)

Read more from Kona in the SHARE’d Stories project, where she recently recounted her experience working on the front line caring for COVID-positive patients.